Let our teachers know you support them

Our mission is to engender patron support and general financial resources that will enrich the quality of education, expand learning opportunities for students and teachers, and bring the community together in support of the Nampa School District.

Teacher Incentive Grant

Grants will be awarded this spring. These Grants are intended to help teachers effectively integrate new items into their classroom and the school and/or help support ongoing classroom and school efforts.

Night of Jazz

Skyview High School

Table for 8 guests, table recognition, $600.

Table for 8 guests, advertisement, acknowledgement during event and speech, $2,500.

Table for 8 plus partial page advertisement in program, $1,000.

Sponsor dessert for the event, $500

Ticket for dinner, $80.


Nampa Schools Foundation is now accepting 2024-2025 scholarship applications through Tuesday, March 25, 2025 at 11:59 PM. Thank you for your interest. Applications can be submitted using the link below. (Please be sure you are logged into your Nampa School District account, in order to access the application. If you experience any issues accessing the application, please send an email to: Mallory Essman at messman@nsd131.org: SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION – CLOSED.